Ed and the team at M2G Media have been my go-to video/editing/creative partner for over 10 years. Ed is a true creative collaborator and brings a great wealth of experience and innovative ideas to every project, and truly cares about the end result. The whole M2G team consistently deliver exceptional quality products for my clients - always on time and always on budget. And best of all - we always find time to laugh.
— Jennifer Wittlinger, Executive Producer Kindle Communications
Your video tells our story in a way no one has and in a way that shows the magnitude of the work Operation Rainbow does with the limited resources available. Those close to me who viewed the video have been following up with comments like “oh, now I get it”, “wow, I had no idea” or “amazing”. Thank you so much for giving us this gift; a view into that of what is the Rainbow story.
— Michelle Duncan, Director Operation Rainbow
Thank you so much for your wonderful work, I greatly appreciate it. This is a perfect video which will be a big help to hospitals, as well as to us making sure they have success using our product correctly.
— Sana Patel, National Medical Products
Just a few of our past and present clients

Just a few of our past and present clients